Wednesday, September 17, 2014


US Congress is warily on the verge of approving arming and training for "rebels" in Syria to fight against Muslim jihadists, except that both sides of this conflict appear to be Muslims:
Wary House lawmakers prepared to give President Barack Obama authority to arm and train Syrian rebels in the fight against Islamic State militants Wednesday as Iraq's new prime minister dismissed the notion that the struggle could lead to U.S. forces again fighting on the ground in his country.

"Not only is it not necessary, we don't want them. We won't allow them," Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Congress appears inclined to give Obama the authority he wants — the first vote was likely in the House on Wednesday — but lawmakers are sharply divided over whether the U.S. should be doing more or less. Some Republicans contend that Islamic State militants occupying large portions of Iraq and Syria cannot be defeated without U.S. ground troops backing up airstrikes in Iraq. Many Democrats oppose resuming a war in Iraq that the U.S. exited three years ago.
But if they go along with it, my guess is the MSM will refrain from negativity, because this is a Dem who's in charge now, unlike the time when a Republican led the campaign.

And this article is pretty slippery on the real picture: some of these "rebels" it speaks of are Muslims too, and anything but Christian or Buddhist. Arming them would do nothing to improve the situation, and sooner or later war would start anew between more Muslim factions, with Christians endangered further. If Congress approves this, they'll be making an awful mistake.

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