Monday, June 23, 2014


A senior police official in Britain's warned of the long term consequences posed by jihadists returning from Syria and Iraq:
British extremists returning from fighting in Syria will pose a long-term threat to UK security, a senior police officer has said.

Cressida Dick, assistant commissioner and head of specialist operations at the Metropolitan Police, warned that Britain would feel the repercussions of the rise in Islamist extremism for "many years to come", as young British Muslims bring jihadist violence back to the UK.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's The World This Weekend, Dick said: "I'm afraid I believe that we will be living with the consequences of Syria – from a terrorist point of view, geopolitical consequences – for many, many, many years to come."

She said that until a few weeks ago, police believed that around 460 British nationals had gone to fight in Syria but the figure is now estimated to be as high as 500.

Dick urged British citizens thinking of travelling to fight in Syria not to join the conflict, as Syrian people regard foreign fighters as a problem and not a solution to the ongoing crisis.
Alas, a simple request is not going to persuade the jihadists in Britain to avoid going to participate in jihadism abroad. In fact, they could already be dangerous even without going to the middle east. They let this nightmare breed within their borders, and now, with all the sharia advocates on the loose in the country, the threat of jihad is already there. Let's remember the horrific murder of a soldier that took place in Woolwich last year, the result of letting Islam take root in the UK.

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