Wednesday, January 01, 2014


The once proud island country may not be so much anymore if they allow the ummah to take over, as it's been doing there for a while (via WND):
ISLAM will become Ireland’s second religion within the next 30 years because of dramatic population growth and immigration.

The revelation came as construction work is expected to begin next year on Ireland’s largest mosque. [...]

Population statistics compiled by the Central Statistics Office confirmed that Islam is now Ireland’s fastest-growing religion and, at its current rate of expansion, it is set to become the second religion in the State after Catholicism by 2043.

In 1991, Islam accounted for just 0.1pc of the Irish population. That soared to 1.1pc – a 10-fold increase – by 2011, when a total of 49,204 Muslims were resident in Ireland.


While there are indications the growth rate has slowed to 70pc between 2002 and 2006, a strong birth rate and immigration are expected to result in Ireland’s Muslim population exceeding 100,000 by 2020. [...]

The latest Census figures also revealed that 84pc of the Irish population describe themselves as Catholic, down from 91.6pc in the 1991 census.
As Daniel Greenfield says, this is what happens when local birthrates decline along with better religions. What would Michael Collins think if he saw this?

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