Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I heard someone who I know supports Israel say something to the effect that they didn't support Zionism.   I wondered how one could support Israel and not accept Zionism.  And I realised this persons distaste for Zionism was a result of her attempt to be politically correct...to have her cake and eat it too..without any critical analysis of her position.  How could we have Israel without Zionism?

How can phalistinians agitate for their right to an independant state without recognizing the right of Jews  to a homeland?

The Arab attack on Zionism is more than hypocrisy...it is part of a concerted, long term effort to delegitimize and eventually destroy Israel.


  1. antizionism IS antisemitic because denying jews a country they won in war while not denying such legitimacy to any other nation so won singles jews out and denies them what all other people have.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Why are these anti Zion people screaming about how there are no Jews in the PA but Muslims and Arabs in the Knesset.

    Anti Zionism is pro-apartheid against the Jews

  3. Leftists are despicable. To be Zionist is to be free, support freedom, and live for moral decency.

    Happy New Year, Relia!
