Wednesday, September 25, 2013


But the war against Islamofascism is not over yet. From the AFP:
Nairobi — Kenyan troops and rescue workers scoured the wreckage of a Nairobi shopping mall Wednesday for bodies and booby-trapped explosives after a four-day siege by Islamist gunmen left 67 dead and dozens more missing.

Rescuers wore face masks and some soldiers wrapped scarves around their mouths because of an overpowering stench inside the Westgate centre, once the capital's most upmarket mall. A large part of the complex has collapsed after heavy explosions and a fierce fire.

Across Kenya, flags flew at half mast at the start of three days of official mourning.

Somalia's Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab rebels claimed on Twitter that 137 hostages they had seized all died, figures impossible to verify and higher than the number of people officially registered as missing. They also accused Kenyan troops of using "chemical agents" to end the stand-off.

President Uhuru Kenyatta announced an end to the 80-hour bloodbath late Tuesday, with the "immense" loss of 61 civilians and six members of the security forces. Police said the death toll was provisional, with the Kenyan Red Cross listing 63 people as still missing.

Top forensic experts and investigators from Israel, the US and Britain are supporting Kenyan teams, officials said, with many questions remaining over the identity of the attackers, the possible presence of a British woman and American jihadists, and how the cell got such large quantities of weapons and ammunition into the complex.
Indeed, it appears there were Islamofascists born in the US who took part in this horror, and disgustingly enough, CAIR's reaction to that news is "who cares?" The New York Post (via Jihad Watch) says:
WASHINGTON – One of the most prominent and controversial Muslim-American advocacy groups says “who cares” if American jihadists were involved in the murderous terror attack on a shopping mall in Kenya.

“It doesn’t matter who’s involved in it,” Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), told The Post.

“Terrorism is terrorism, whether it is Americans involved or anyone from any nation or background. Who cares?” he said.

Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed said Monday “two or three Americans” were among the bloodthirsty thugs from the al Qaeda-linked group al-Shabab who attacked the mall, hunting down and killing non-Muslims.

The American jihadists were 18 to 19 years old and of Somali or Arab origin and came from Minnesota and another place in the United States, Mohamed told PBS.

CAIR is a DC-based nonprofit organization that describes itself as a “grassroots civil rights and advocacy group” for Muslim-Americans. The group also has been linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Contrary to what they say, it matters because it shows they did nothing to prevent Muslims in America from joining up with jihadists abroad, and are unwilling to take any responsibility on their part for failure to promote honesty.

Update: and on a related note, 3 Muslims in New York were charged with collaborating with al-Shabaab (also via Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs).

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