Thursday, September 26, 2013


Tom Gross has several items worth reading about the middle east, including offensive acts committed by European "diplomats", honor murders of Muslim women, and among them, there's also this eyebrow raiser:
In a move that may lead to renewed violence, an Egyptian court has banned the Muslim Brotherhood and seized all its assets, including those of its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party. The order is being appealed.

Such a move may drive the Muslim Brotherhood underground and lead to increased acts of terrorism.

The Muslim Brotherhood said it will relocate its headquarters to the British capital, London.
Where some of these underground acts of violence could take place if the British government doesn't balk at their plans for moving shop to the UK. Unfortunately, with the UK government's track record, it could end up happening.

Update: Trending Central appears to have confirmed that the MB are indeed on their way to the blighty (Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs):
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has decided to move its media offices to London, following a Cairo court decision to proscribe the Islamist entity’s activities and any subsidiary institution related to it.

The Brotherhood already maintains a London presence through which it was previously running the administrative affairs of the organisation. The London headquarters is a “research centre” headed by Ibrahim Mounir, former member of the Guidance Bureau and former Secretary General of the international organisation of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Now that they're headed there, the environment could become a lot more dangerous indeed.

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