Monday, September 16, 2013


It appears that there is now an investigation of NYC dinner parties because some of these parties are not being regulated.

From CBS 2 in NYC (hat tip to Western Hero):
CBS 2 Investigation: Underground — And Illegal — NYC Dinner Parties

As you sit down to dinner, this story illustrates eating out like you have never experienced before. We are talking about super-secret, illegal dining experiences hosted in homes.

CBS 2 investigative reporter Tamara Leitner went undercover to see firsthand how this underground world works.

It may look like a dinner party, but it’s really an underground supper club.

The diners are a mix of New Yorkers and tourists. CBS 2’s undercover cameras captured one experience — eight people who didn’t know each other eating a meal in a stranger’s home....
Someone's PRIVATE home.

Think about that. SOMEONE'S PRIVATE HOME!

All are consenting adults — participating in an activity outside the boundaries of Nanny State regulations.

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