Monday, September 16, 2013


More dhimmitude in England at a university:
Britain has become engrossed in a public debate over religious expression after the Metropolitan College of Birmingham recently lifted a ban on wearing the Muslim face veil.

The college had banned wearing Muslim headdresses in class for eight years, but controversy began when a Muslim student spoke to a local newspaper claiming that their policy was institutionalized prejudice.

Those opposing the ban, who have popular support on social media networks, claim that it is a racist ruling that casts out Muslims and infringes on their freedom of religion to wear a niqab or burqa. At the height of the debate there had been rumors that the academic institution intended to ban all prayers on campus.

[...] Following days of constant public debate, including a petition against the headdress ban that got 9,000 signatures in 48 hours, the college's administration expressed on its Facebook page that it was concerned the media coverage was hurting the institution's image, and repealed the ban.
Quite different in some ways from France and Holland, where public opinion achieved much better results. The grave problem in Britain is that on the one hand, you have organized Muslim movements enjoying protection from the dhimmis, and on the other, the dhimmis are opposed to even organized resistance like the EDL. Exactly what's sending the country on the road to ruin.

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