Monday, December 17, 2012


The government's advanced approvals for 6,500 housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem:
Four days of marathon meetings in the Interior Ministry and the Jerusalem municipality’s planning committees, which started on Monday, are expected to advance approvals for almost 6,500 apartments over the 1967 Green Line in Israel.

After spending nearly three years in limbo for causing a major diplomatic crises between the United States and Israel, the 1,500 apartment units in Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo received final approval from the Interior Ministry on Monday. This means construction can begin in the coming year. [...]

City Councilor Yair Gabbai (Likud) who sits on both the local and district committees, also welcomed the wave of approvals. “The Prime Minister [Binyamin Netanyahu] stopped the discussion of these projects because of due to outside pressure from so many places,” Gabbai said. “The moment Palestinians went to the UN and went unilaterally, the PM gave a green light to do all [of the building in east Jerusalem]. Everything was ready years ago, we were just waiting for green light,” he said.
And now, finally, it looks like they got it. The PLO and some of the leftists in Israel, naturally, hate that the project is moving ahead, and the former is going to exploit the UN for protesting Israel's democratic right to develop its own land. What a shame they continue down the path of being enemies with Israel, and any hostility they show to this project only proves where they really stand.

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