Tuesday, December 18, 2012


UN Watch has some good news, telling that the awful Richard Falk, who's responsible for mongering anti-semitism and 9-11 trutherism at the UN, has been removed from the board of HRW:
GENEVA, Dec. 18 – Human Rights Watch has just expelled top U.N. official Richard Falk from one of its committees, where he helped played a key role in the organization’s global work.

UN Watch, an unrelated non-governmental organization based in Geneva, had called for HRW to sack Falk from the post, noting he has been condemned for spreading antisemitism and 9/11 conspiracies by British Prime Minister David Cameron, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.

“We commend Human Rights Watch and its director Kenneth Roth for doing the right thing, and finally removing this enemy of human rights from their important organization,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.

“A man who supports the Hamas terrorist organization, and who was just condemned by the British Foreign Office for his cover endorsement of a virulently antisemitic book, has no place in an organization dedicated to human rights,” said Neuer.
He shouldn't be allowed into civilized society either. He shouldn't be welcomed at prominent resturants or the bowling alley. Falk should definitely apologize to both Israel and America for the harm he's still bound to cause. But alas, it's unlikely he ever will.

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