Monday, August 13, 2012

Message to leftists and liberals: look in the mirror: you've become totally conventional

In the old days - when I was a young leftist radical - me and my comrades used to take pride in "speaking truth to power" and fearlessly taking on conventional wisdom.

Today's left IS ENTIRELY conventional - not radical or revolutionary, and is all about conventional wisdom:
  • It is conventional wisdom that CO2 is toxic and causing an impending global climate catastrophe.
  • It is conventional wisdom that islam is a "religion of peace".
  • It is conventional wisdom that the rich have too much and their greed is why there are poor people here and in the Third World.
  • It is conventional wisdom that higher taxes could help solve the deficit.
  • It is conventional wisdom that war never solved anything.
  • It is conventional wisdom that people who dislike Obama's policies are really racists.
And so on.

Boomers and X-gen's who think they're cool and unconventional, "with it", hip and "progressives" - and serious thinkers - should really reexamine their positions and received "wisdom".

Vapidly repeating the editorials in the NYTIMES or DNC talking points is nothing if it is not idiotic knee-jerk conventionality.


Well, there's a way to find out:

I suggest you start watching FOXNEWS, reading the WSJ and NRO, and listening to Mark Levin.

Pretend you are a juror on a case and that you're listening to BOTH sdies, the prosecution and the defense, then make up your own mind.

HEY: that's a radical idea: make up your own mind.

Bet you'll be surprised to find out what you really believe.

Another way to have your eyes opened is to take this test.


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