Sunday, January 22, 2012


Another example of a would-be conservative who goes and does something really stupid has just surfaced. While warning about the efforts the OIC and its willing minions are making to censor criticism of Islam, Ned May at Big Peace damages the impact of his article with the following:
An end run around the Constitution may also be available in the recently-passed National Defense Authorization bill, which permits the president to order indefinite military detention of American citizens, even within the United States. The rationale is that we are in a “time of war.” The war, however, has never been declared, and the enemy is unnamed — except, of course, as “extremism.” And we all know who Barack Hussein Obama considers to be the “extremists.” The NDAA does not bode well for tea-partiers, Islamophobes, Ron Paul supporters, and other “right-wing extremists.” If nothing else, the feds will be forced to detain a few of us just to prove they are not engaging in “profiling.”
What does Paul and his 9-11 truther screwball following have to do with this? Paul's most definitely not an opponent of Islamofascism, and there's plenty of signs he wouldn't exactly oppose this bill himself. His supporters may not be deserving of arrest, but tossing them into this whole affair is in poor taste, and Obama might actually be favorable to Paul, because he embarrasses and divides Republicans and conservatives.

Just how many more self-professed conservatives are going to make fools of themselves and undermine the effort to keep the GOP free of horrific characters like Paul? This is just absolutely shocking and awful every time a so-called right-winger does something this dumb.

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