Wednesday, November 02, 2011




  1. I am 67, I look about 45...but I need these researchers to hurry the F___ up! I have good longevity genes, but I also take a shit load of vitamins, minerals, supplements, etc, that not only killed my cancer 7 years ago without chemo or radiation, only surgery....but look, move, think, etc., like someone in their 40s. There is ZERO lipofusion in my hands. Lipofusion are "age spots" from dirt, and dead cells that cannot leave the body. This "dirt" is what clogs cells and eventually kills you. What is helpful is a lot of stuff, like anything that slows or stops inflammation, removes free radicals, increases blood flow in the brain, strengthens cell wells and microtubules, feeds mitochondria, completes or enhances the ATP energy cycle, etc. Staying on a very high protein diet, and very little sugar (less than 100-150 grams) a day is also good, as cancer needs 5 times more sugar than normal cells. Sugar is also bad, because it is sticky, and causes fat globules to stick together and cause plaque build up in the arteries and brain. Also, hyaluronic acid creams, and Renova (trinitoin) keeps the cells in a "young state" repairing the telomerase that helps complete the cell replication process by "reinstalling" genetic information that is lost each time a cell divides. The more times cells replicate, the more RNA transcriptase and DNA they loose. Losing this "code" also causes aging. There is a lot a person can do....even if the idiots at the FDA want us all to stop taking vitamins/supplements, etc., they are FLAT wrong. And oh yes, prayer to any divine thingy does not work.If we need to donate money to stop aging, cancer, and death...let us know where to send the check.

  2. I am 67, I look about 45...but I need these researchers to hurry the F___ up! I have good longevity genes, but I also take a shit load of vitamins, minerals, supplements, etc, that not only killed my cancer 7 years ago without chemo or radiation, only surgery....but look, move, think, etc., like someone in their 40s. There is ZERO lipofusion in my hands. Lipofusion are "age spots" from dirt, and dead cells that cannot leave the body. This "dirt" is what clogs cells and eventually kills you. What is helpful is a lot of stuff, like anything that slows or stops inflammation, removes free radicals, increases blood flow in the brain, strengthens cell wells and microtubules, feeds mitochondria, completes or enhances the ATP energy cycle, etc. Staying on a very high protein diet, and very little sugar (less than 100-150 grams) a day is also good, as cancer needs 5 times more sugar than normal cells. Sugar is also bad, because it is sticky, and causes fat globules to stick together and cause plaque build up in the arteries and brain. Also, hyaluronic acid creams, and Renova (trinitoin) keeps the cells in a "young state" repairing the telomerase that helps complete the cell replication process by "reinstalling" genetic information that is lost each time a cell divides. The more times cells replicate, the more RNA transcriptase and DNA they loose. Losing this "code" also causes aging. There is a lot a person can do....even if the idiots at the FDA want us all to stop taking vitamins/supplements, etc., they are FLAT wrong. And oh yes, prayer to any divine thingy does not work.If we need to donate money to stop aging, cancer, and death...let us know where to send the check.
