Thursday, October 20, 2011

UK: Over-60 bedroom blockers 'should be taxed out of their homes' to encourage them to leave 'too large' family houses

The Stalinists in the "Labour" Party of UK: attack and destroy the lives of decent hard-working people!!

Older people should be taxed out of their family homes to free up space for younger generations, says a report backed by Labour.
It argues that 'empty nesters' in their 60s are taking up too much room and should be 'encouraged' by a new 'land tax' to downsize to smaller homes.
The call comes from the Intergenerational Foundation, a left-leaning think-tank that aims to 'promote fairness between generations'.
Unused space: Half of all properties owned by single pensioners have three spare bedrooms or more (picture posed by models)
Unused space: Half of all properties owned by single pensioners have three spare bedrooms or more (picture posed by models)
Labour MP Tessa Jowell sponsored the report's launch in a Commons hospitality room yesterday, saying the current situation ran against Ed Miliband's vision for Britain.
But the 'bedroom blocker' plan drew condemnation from Tory ministers and pressure groups for older people. 

More than half of people aged over 65 live in homes with two or more spare bedrooms that could be used by young families, it adds.
The report, Hoarding of Housing, says: ‘While younger families are increasingly being squeezed into small flats and under-sized houses, older people are often rattling around in big houses with many bedrooms standing empty, often for years.’
Report co-author Matthew Griffiths said: ‘It is perfectly understandable that retired people cling to their home long after it has outlived its usefulness as a place to bring a family up in.
‘But there are profound social consequences of their actions which are now causing real problems in a country where new house building is almost non-existent.’

Backing: Tessa Jowell supports the 'Bedroom Blocker' plan
Backing: Tessa Jowell supports the 'Bedroom Blocker' plan
One of Tessa Jowell's houses: she has others in London and Italy
Tessa Jowell, who belongs to an aristocratic family and whose uncle was Lord Longford, who used to visit child murderers in prison, owns a number of houses in England and abroad. From Daily Mail:
"Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell and her scandal-hit estranged husband David Mills spent the night together at her new London home days before the first anniversary of her career-saving decision to leave him.
The couple left Ms Jowell's smart £675,000 flat within minutes of each other after Mr Mills arrived the previous night with a change of clothes under his arm."

Do you think she will be the first to offer up the many spare rooms in HER mansions to "homeless" young people?? Her husband, David Mills is a corrupt lawyer who took backhanders from Silvio Berlusconi.
From here.

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