Thursday, October 20, 2011


The dictator of Libya is ding-dong-dead:
Qaddafi died of wounds suffered during his capture near his hometown of Sirte on Thursday, Reuters and Sky News reported. Libyan leaders have informed the United States that Qaddafi is dead, according to an unidentified U.S. official who said Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) is expected to officially announce his death soon. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the U.S. could independently confirm Qaddafi's death.

"Qaddafi is dead. He is absolutely dead ... he was shot in both legs and in the head. The body will be arriving in Misrata soon," media spokesman Abdullah Berrassali told Sky News.
So he's dead. No matter. A tyrant dead is justice delivered. Yet it's sad that his opponents are very likely supportive of imposing sharia, even more than he was, and that's why this death of a tyrant can only be celebrated short-term.

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