Sunday, August 14, 2011


From this source:

This president treats the gilded trappings of his office like they are his rights of kingdom.


He dances away the night of his 50th birthday at the White House and aims only for re-election, oblivious to how his administration has been destroying our economy, security and national cohesion.

But why blame a child for playing with his toys? It’s ignorant voters who present him with the toy chest.

At the end of this month, Obama will, once again, head to Martha's vineyard for vacation. Even Washington Post columnist Colbert I. King is grousing about Obama's upcoming vacation. Please read King's scathing essay!


  1. Obama and his wife are milking the office (and us) for all they can. It's been party and vacation time since the inauguration. It's "the audacity of hope I can get more" attitude that makes them repugnant to the average voter.

  2. The attitude is one of "It's our turn now."

    No concept whatsoever of the meaning of "elected public servant."
