Sunday, August 14, 2011


Stimulus spending is a left-wing concept based on Keynesian economics - (a branch of economics often miscredited with ending the Great Depression).

It holds that taking money away from the people who earn it and sending to Washington DC - so career politicians and lobbyists and bureaucrats can spend it - is better for the economy than letting the people who earned it spend it.

Think about it.

Do you really believe that
  1. taking money away from the people who earn it
  2. and sending to Washington DC
  3. so career politicians and lobbyists and bureaucrats can spend it
can be better for the economy than letting the people who earned it spend it!? It's an insane concept, only more so in our globally competitive economy.

A vital and competitive global economy can only be based on efficiently producing what PEOPLE want and not on producing what POLITICIANS and LOBBYISTS and BUREAUCRATS want. The bigger the Left makes our government's presence our economy, the less globally competitive we become and the poorer our nation will become.

LOOK AT IT THIS WAY: If government "stimulus spending" were really effective, the the USSR would be the biggest economy and the Soviet Union would today be the best place in the world to live.

And don't tell me how good the Chinese economy is doing as a counter-example. That's wrong. China only climbed out of abject poverty because Deng Xiaoping opened up China and allowed a free market. The tyrannical Chinese Communist Party still calls too many shots in their economy, and this has led to the development of extremely dangerous BUBBLES in China (especially in real estate) - and all bubbles eventually burst.

And don't tell me that socialistic Western Europe and AKA the EU is a vital economy. They are faltering under the weight of government spending just like us. The governments of Greece and Spain and Ireland and Italy and Belgium - and even France - are not withering under the weight of debts grown overly large because of military spending. They are collapsing because if their socialistic spending.

Stimulus spending is just another word for socialism, and it always fails miserably to achieve its goals.

History proves that prosperity and continually improving living standards are best achieved by competitive enterprises competing in a free marketplace, and not by government spending, stimulus spending, or 5-year plans.

The Democrat Party has bankrupted our federal government and several state governments by pursuing socialistic policies. To end the current recession and prevent the downfall of our economy we must end these policies. To end these polices we must throw every single Leftist out of every single office in the land.

We can start with Leftist Number One: OBAMA.

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