Friday, December 31, 2010


What can you expect when Islamofascism is still prevalent? Well, as this confirms, Egypt can still be dangerous:
Documents revealed by Wikileaks show that Egypt continues to see Israel as its primary military threat despite a decades-old peace treaty. Egypt and Israel fought against each other in four wars before signing the treaty in 1979.

United States diplomats have been frustrated as Egyptian leaders focus on being prepared for war with Israel while ignoring threats such as terrorism and weapons smuggling. [...]

While America pressures Egypt to update its tactics, Egypt requests a boost in military funding, apparently in hopes of buying advanced weapons and achieving military parity with Israel. Other leaked files reported that Egyptian officials are pushing for more than the $1.3 billion in annual military aid that Egypt currently receives from the U.S.
And when that dark day comes where Egypt decides to go to war against Israel anew, I sadly figure it'll be much worse than it was during the Yom Kippur War.

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