Friday, December 31, 2010


Mediaite reports about Frank Gaffney's recent appearance on FOX News with Eric Bolling interviewing, and said he was let down by everyone in the press, including FOX, for underestimating the threat of stealth jihad.

He's right to make sure FOX doesn't escape a drubbing either: of course even they're not saints, and even they've done what to disappoint from a conservative POV.

His leading statement was:
Guys like Feisal Abdul Rauf who are prime practitioners of this stealth jihad tend to get a pass or worse yet are sometimes lionized as moderate Muslims who are the opponents of this Jihadism when in fact they are simply prosecuting it by different means. . . . A mosque that is used to promote a seditious program, which is what Sharia is . . . that is not a protected religious practice, that is in fact sedition.
I wouldn't be surprised if a mosque that's said to be a few blocks away from where this one is planned could be the same, which is why even that mustn't be overlooked.

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