Friday, December 17, 2010


Geert Wilders is quoted in the National Post as one of those who's told how the Netherlands may introduce their own burqa ban this coming year:
THE HAGUE — The Netherlands could ban the burqa, the full-body covering worn by some Muslim women, as soon as next year, Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders told Reuters in an interview on Thursday.

Mr. Wilders’ populist Freedom Party is the third largest in parliament and provides crucial support to the minority ruling coalition in exchange for the government taking a tougher line on Islam and immigration from non-Western countries.

His party has grown in popularity largely because of his outspoken criticism of Islam, which he describes as “a violent ideology.”

“There are not too many people who are willing to fight for this cause. It’s a big responsibility. It’s not only a Dutch problem, it’s a problem of the West,” said Wilders.
That's not the only thing they're going to have to do: they also need to harden jail sentences for aggravated assaults, something that many Jews, and even gays/lesbians, in Holland have suffered at the hands of Islamofascists in Holland. And the sooner such laws can be passed, the better for Europe to protect itself against Islamofascism.

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