Friday, December 17, 2010

Awesome: TSA misses loaded Glock Pistol in Iranian-American's Computer Case!

"ABC News reports that a Houston-based Iranian American businessman left a loaded Glock pistol like the one pictured in his otherwise empty computer case. The case got through security at a Houston airport as his carry-on bag without being found by the geniuses from TSA. And we're told 'it happens all the time' (Hat Tip: Gershon D)."

Israel Matzav: Awesome: TSA misses loaded Glock pistol in computer case; 'It happens all the time'

1 comment:

  1. is it possible you are unknowingly propagating fear and the need for TSA by redistributing this? i find it hard to believe a 'businessman' would be that careless, not only that, but the article is also saying TSA is able to find a man actually wearing a condom with explosives but not this?? sounds just a little to fishy for me. peace.
