Tuesday, December 22, 2009


... but, believe me, that doesn't mean scientists won't continue to use it to try to scare the hell out of our children by teaching about the next "crisis which will destroy life as we know it and leave the Earth itself hanging in the balance."

From the Guardian:

First there was peak oil. Then came peak wood and peak gas. What is it with all these peaks ? Is the world really running out of the raw materials it needs to make it tick, move and communicate? Or should the next peak be in stories about peaks?

Attributed to American geophysicist M King Hubbert, peak theory assumes that resource production follows a bell-shaped curve. Early on, the production rate increases as discoveries are made and infrastructure built. Later in the curve, after the eponymous Hubbert's peak, production declines as reserves run dry. US oil production reached its Hubbert's peak in the early 70s and has declined since. But what about the rest?

Peak oil and gas Every schoolchild is taught that world supplies will eventually run out. But when? Supporters and critics of global peak oil theory argue about the timing of the peak, with some insisting it has already been reached. Reliable, independent estimates of discoveries and production are rare, and most governments rely on statistics from the International Energy Agency, which has long been accused of painting too rosy a picture.

We've debunked this numerous times at the Astute Bloggers. Within the past few years, it has been proven that America has four times the oil of Saudi Arabia just within Colorado, Montana, and the Dakotas. Additionally, it has been proven that oil is a naturally-occurring substance.

Those two facts destroy peak oil theory.

But wait, there's more.

Peak water There is a serious academic school of thought that says the Earth's water was delivered from outer space on the back of wet asteroids and comets. But there is growing concern that the water is running dry. As Alex Bell describes in his book Peak Water, we are using more water than is available in the places where we live. For some, in the wet regions, peak water will never occur, but for the people of the US, Africa, southern Europe, India, Middle East and China, he says, it is already here."

I can't stop laughing. Why just two weeks ago, I predicted this would be


... all of this rests on the completely unscientific, false assumption that once you use the water it disappears.

Water does not disappear. It changes form. When you cook, water evaporates ... and then comes back down to earth in the form of rainfall, dew, etc.

When you irrigate crops, water evaporate and/or get transferred into the plants, where it is stored, and consequently ends up in the digestive systems of human beings and animals.

When you drink water, or ingest anything which has water in it - which is everything - it goes through your system, and comes out as urine which contains, get this, WATER.

Which then evaporates, and comes down in the form of rainfall, dew, etc.

And, of course, this "we're running out of water and we must do something about it right now" scenario also rests on the assumption that we will develop no new technology which will help us harvest water.

No new Desalination technology.

No new Cloud Seeding technology.

Why does this need to be explained? Because Chicken Little demands it with his asinine ranting:

And, if you don't believe me that Peak Water Theory is a completely absurd idea, now these idiots are even arguing that human creativity is subject to Peak Theory:

Peak rock music Most of the good musical ideas really have been used up. Last year, popular culture blog Overthinking It analysed Rolling Stone magazine's top 500 songs of all time, and found that rock music peaked in the late 1960s. "It would seem that, like oil, the supply of great musical ideas is finite. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, the Motown greats and other genre innovators quickly extracted the best their respective genres had to offer, leaving little supply for future musicians."

The reason Rolling Stone picks all those old albums as the top 500 of all time is because THE WRITERS AND EDITORS OF ROLLING STONE ARE REALLY FRIGGIN' OLD.

The 80's gave us Jane's Addiction, U2, INXS, Bauhaus, REM, The Cure, etc.

The 90's gave us Rage Against the Machine, Tool, Portishead, Jeff Buckley, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, etc.

And, the 2K decade has given us Green Day, The BellRays, The White Stripes, Eminem, Incubus, The Black Keys, Buckcherry, Disturbed, Death Cab for Cutie, The Black Eyed Peas, etc.

But, of course, old people always think old stuff is better than new stuff, so they completely ignore what new discoveries.

You know what is subject to Peak Theory; the friggin' Hippie Generation that gave birth to all this Peak Theory, environmentalist, socialism-in-green-disguise b.s.

Good riddance to the Hippie Generation. Don't let the Death Panel door hit you in the ass on your way out.

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