Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rep. Sestak (D-iabolical): "What you call 'radical,' we call 'progressive.'"

He said it...

His exact words were: "You hang this word 'radical' on it; I think the word you might have wanted to use was 'progressive.'" (At 5 minutes, 23 seconds.)

O'Reilly states, correctly, that the majority of Americans oppose Obama's cabal of far-left wackos. I guess we're just not progressive enough to hate America, dehumanize everyone who disagrees with us (which neither of these congressmen did, for the record, but they were discussing Alan Grayson), and think that everyone has a right to government-funded abortions but free-market capitalism is a "holocaust."

Sestak also says that Sikhism is a race.

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