Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Leftist Radio Is Pretty Sick: "Dick Cheney Drinks the Blood of Muslim or Jewish Babies"

Mike Malloy tried to start a blood libel about ... Dick Cheney. Grayson's "blood dripping from his teeth" comment apparently didn't go far enough, as far as the Leftosphere is concerned.

He goes on and on about it, I guess because he figures that if he can defame and slander Cheney enough, then what Obama actually does (and doesn't do) won't seem so despicable by contrast.

Then he fantasizes at length about killing Cheney, wondering aloud how one takes out a guy like him, as if that could be done. Cheney's had something like 26 heart attacks ... that we know of. He's like Wiley Coyote. He just gets back up and bitchslaps some more lefties like it never even happened.

Then - seriously - he tries to impugn the word "dithering."

And leftists call Beck crazy. Imagine if he tried to start a blood libel, fantasized about murdering Joe Biden, and then ranted about the expression "Let me be clear" within the span of two and a half minutes. Media Matters would have to triple their operations.

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