Monday, September 28, 2009

How Truly Effective Tort Reform Is

Since passing tort reform in 2004, Mississippi has seen the number of medical malpractice claims plummet by 91 percent from its peak. The state's largest medical liability insurer dropped its premiums by 42 percent, and has offered an additional 20 percent rebate each year since tort reform went into effect.

Governor Barbour says:
"I believe $200, $250 billion a year in health care costs is caused by litigation. It may be more than that. But this is the lowest hanging fruit, this ain't rocket science. If they want a demonstration project, come down to Mississippi, and I'll show you a demonstration project."

If we lowball that estimate and go with his $200 billion figure, that's a savings of $667 for every person living in the US. I would pay $85 a month for insurance and that's for a smoker with a pre-existing condition that usually requires annual surgery to be carried out by a specialist.

Tort reform has brought an economic boom to the state, as companies rightly view it as a more practical and cost-effective place to do business.

The only people who lose out are trial lawyers.

ObamaKare is not about healthcare, not about making it more accessible, and not about making it more cost-effective. It's a power-grab to permanently shift the terms of the political debate in our Republic to the terms of die-hard, seditious socialists. It's but one more attempt to aggregate huge amounts of power and money to Obama's shadow government, who would implement every detail of it, thus sealing his patronage system, and screwing everyone, including the socialist useful idiots.

What? You actually think the "navigators" mentioned repeatedly in the bill, i.e. ACORN, stood for real socialism and not a mafia-style patronage system? The same organization that fights for increasing the minimum wage but refuses to pay its employees the current minimum wage and went to court to fight having to do so? Great logic there. We will be paying the government protection money under this bill and receiving healthcare only if we're in their moonbat mafia.

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