Friday, August 21, 2009


A source for Pamela Geller has revealed that Rifqa Bary had been abused already (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
On several occasions friends of Rifqa would bring her down to the school counselor because of bruises on her legs and her arms, beatings suffered at the hands of her father and brother (sounds like Islam Said). The middle school, in a serious dereliction of duty, did not report these beatings to child welfare services. Beatings were random, violent, unprovoked. Take, for example, when Rifqa and her father Mohammad were driving in the car. He would force her to wear the hijab, which she hated. In her discomfort she would slouch down, embarrassed, and her father would haul off and sock her in the face so that she never forgot to sit up straight in her costume. The beatings were regular and so much a part of the landscape of Rifqa's life, she became inured to them, just like Amina and Sarah and Aqsa and every "honor" victim.
I should hope that her friends will be willing to testify in her defense too. Patrick Poole also tells that the Noor Islamic Cultural Center that ratted on her has extremist ties of its own, and Salah Sultan of that mosque has been preaching Jew-hatred on Egypt's al-Nas television station.

Pamela urges people to contact the following sources:
People can also call George Sheldon, Secretary of DCF. Contact information:

Contact Governor Charlie Crist today:
Phone Calls to (850) 488-7146
Fax letters to (850) 487-0801
or Email him at

The Florida Department of Children and Families

George H. Sheldon, Secretary
1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, Florida

Fax: (850) 922-2993
I too urge everyone to make a call to these officials and urge them to help out.

Update: here's a comment on the subject from Nonie Darwish, and another one from Wafa Sultan.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the dhimmi judge is going to return Rifqa to her parents.

    God help her!
