Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jordan is Revoking En Masse the Citizenship of PA Arabs

They fear an influx of them in anticipation of the two-state solution. That's also just a pretext to get rid of the most undesirable members of their society, who are the most dangerous, have the most entitled attitude, give back the least, and suck up a disproportionate amount of social services.

This raises two questions:

1) Will it suddenly become uncool to be a Fakestinian like Queen Rania (a Kuwaiti)?

2) Will the international community in general, and leftards in particular condemn Jordan for this, the way they condemn Israel for having the same wall to keep out the same people for the same reason as do Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt?

Doubt it. Being a Fakestinian has never been cool among Arabs. It's the lowest caste. And of course, leftards never hold Arabs to any standards whatsoever, but are quick to condemn and even call for the murder of Jews when they simply enforce international law, right before they call people who don't call for the annihilation of an entire people 'racist?'

See also: No Excuses for Terror at KitmanTV, which deals with leftard anti-Semitism and refusal to hold Arabs and terrorists to any standard whatsoever, be it moral, ethical, or legal. They have consistently refused to condemn ethnic cleansing on the part of Arabs, but have consistently condemned Israel for daring to defend itself.

For the record, while I can see Israel somehow getting blamed for this, I not only commend Jordan for taking this action, but also encourage the Free World to follow their example. Those who pledge allegiance to other nations, be they real or fabricated, should be expelled, especially if they refuse to work and suck up an inordinate amount of social services without paying taxes. Walls should be constructed around our borders. Invaders should be shot on sight. Period.


  1. they're geting ready to expel/deport them en masse when the palis declare a state in gaza and/or the so-called west bank.

    is israel tried this the world would condemn it.

    but it's okay for arabs to do.

    they did it to jews decades ago and the wolrd didn't say boo.

  2. And the Jews weren't seditious traitors like the Fakestinians.
