Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The Left loves to say the US Constitution is a "living document" when it comes to things in it the don't like.

But when it comes to things they like - such as Roe - then they claim it's written in stone - settled precedent, so don't you DARE overturn it.

The have another one: they like to appeal to foreign courts when it suits them - such as in death penalty cases.

But in same sex marriage!? Nope.

These two examples reveal the Left's basic lack of principles.

They're an ends-justify-the means crowd.

Nothing could prove this more than Obama's stated criteria for selecting a Justice for the Supreme Court: EMPATHY, someone who will decide the case based on feelings about the people in the case and the OUTCOME rather than the law.

This is anti-democratic, against the rule of law and anti-American.

Justice is meant to be blind.

The Left wants the blindfold taken off.

That doesn't yield justice; it yields tyranny.

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