Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Obama's Already Seeking Health Care Rationing in Medicare

From Yid With Lid:
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence considers the drugs for advanced breast cancer and a rare form of stomach cancer too expensive.

Lapatinib can cut in half the speed of growth of breast cancer in one in five women with an aggressive form of the disease, and Sutent is the only drug that can prolong the lives of stomach cancer patients.

“The committee concluded that Lapatinib is not a cost-effective use of NHS resources when compared with current treatment,” Dr. Gillian Leng, Nice deputy chief executive, was quoted as saying. (Source)
At first glance you might think that this is a scenario from an episode of the Twilight Zone, but for thousands of British Citizens, this is all too real. While here in the United States the Democratic Party is hard at work destroying our health care (at the same time they cripple our economy), there is a ominous message in the above story, socialized medicine, leads to health care rationing and health care rationing KILLS. Look out below, because our president is already calling for the rationing of some of our health care: Obama Seeks to Reduce Costs by Limiting Medicare Reimbursements for Hospital Readmissions

By Fred Lucas( - In a cost-saving measure tied to the proposed expansion of health care, the Obama administration is seeking to reduce hospital readmission rates by rewarding or penalizing hospitals through Medicare payments.

Proponents say this will force hospitals to do a better job of follow-up care, follow a more responsible discharge policy and promote better preventive measures. Opponents of the plan think it would, along with other proposed measures, result in the rationing of health care.

1 comment:

  1. For all those who think Obama's national health care is the greatest thing since sliced cheese
    I suggest you read this survey conducted by the Commonwealth Fund in 5 major industrialized countries that compares patient responses to questions about their health care system
