Monday, April 06, 2009


Hat Tip: Bare Naked Islam

President Sarkozy "smackdown" of Pres. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., and Islamo-Fascist rabble rousers protesting the Great Leader in Ankara???

What the f***? Didn't they get the memo???

America is now peace, love, joy and harmony and we are NOT racist or arrogant anymore, especially carrying out our "Overseas Contingency Operation".


  1. I wonder how the Turks feel about BHO's bowing to the King of Saudi?

  2. Sarkozy sees where Obama is leading the free world and he wants no part of it. Understanding what sharia law would like like, Sarkozy is taking his nation in the other direction. Besides, he knows he really can't trust Obama to protect an ally. Look for France to finally take a leading role in the fight against radical Islam.

    If there occurs an attack in Paris, don't look for a quick meeting of the Security Council. The Foreign Legion may have some business to take care of.

    Nice to see France at least trying to get back into the leadership game.

  3. The Turkish PM is an Islamist who has reversed Turkey's secular progression.

    Matthew, I would hope that the French would do that, but I am not too sure.

    Internally, Arabs comprise about 20% of the population of Paris I believe, so he has them front and center....

    He is definitely more pro Israel than Chirac.
