Monday, April 06, 2009


Fox News, regarding the North Korean launch:

North Korea, rejecting international criticism, launched a rocket late Saturday night in what could be a step toward putting a nuclear warhead on a missile capable of reaching the U.S. and beyond.

President Obama called the launch — which defied Washington, Tokyo and others who suspect it was a cover for a test of its long-range missile technology — a move that threatens the security of nations "near and far."

Obama condemned North Korea for threatening the peace and stability of nations "near and far." The U.S. and its allies vowed to press for stronger economic sanctions at Sunday's emergency session of the U.N. Security Council, requested by Japan just minutes after liftoff.

U.S. defense officials told FOX News "nothing went into orbit" and any space launch of a satellite was therefore unsuccessful. The officials also said two stages of the missile fell into the Pacific. (Read entire article)

The Obama's Administration foreign policy response vis-a-vis the belligerent North Koreans:

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