Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This smiling lad was photographed in Zimbabwe a few months ago. He certainly looks happy. Look at all that money he has!

And if you look closely, you can see that those are 200,000 dollar bills! He is carrying tens of millions of dollars.

He is the happy beneficiary of Robert Mugabe's program designed to redistribute the wealth of Zimbabwe in what Mugabe and his henchman think is a more equitable manner.

The only problem is, those Zimbabwe dollars are worthless. The smiling beggar is carrying about what it will take him to buy a small loaf of bread.

What you are looking at is the ultimate result of redistributionist policies such as those President Obama wishes to impose on the United States. This is what failure to stop Obama's radical socialist program may mean.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - this will eventually bankrupt producers of toilet paper along with the rest of us!
