Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sarah Palin Accidentally Becomes The Left's Exorcist

Sarah Palin has the uncanny ability to exorcise the frothing, bitter, moronic, and bigoted demons that the Left tries to keep locked away in the dungeons of their souls.

From Commentary:

Palin’s social conservatism had never been the core of her political identity in Alaska. She always expressed general support for traditionalist views in interviews and debates, and it was widely known that she had also chosen to proceed with her fifth pregnancy after discovering the child had Down syndrome—a discovery that in about nine of ten cases leads parents to opt for abortion. But Palin never went out of her way to raise abortion or other social or cultural issues, and in her first two years as governor had not sought to change state policies in these areas. She was a good-government reformer with social conservative leanings, not the other way around.

But this was not how Palin was received on the national scene. Instead, her views on matters of cultural and social controversy very quickly became the chief focus of media attention, liberal criticism, and pundit analysis. Palin was assigned every view and position the Left considered unenlightened, and the response to her brought into the light all manner of implicit liberal assumptions about cultural conservatives. 

We were told that Palin was opposed to contraception, advocated teaching creationism in schools, and was inclined to ban books she disagreed with. She was described as a religious zealot, an anti-abortion extremist, a blind champion of abstinence-only sex education. She was said to have sought to make rape victims pay for their own medical exams, to have Alaska secede from the Union, and to get Pat Buchanan elected President. She was reported to believe that the Iraq war was mandated by God, that the end-times prophesied in the Book of Revelation were nearing and only Alaska would survive, and that global warming was purely a myth. None of this was true.

Her personal life came under withering assault as well. Palin’s capacity to function as a senior elected official while raising five children was repeatedly questioned by liberal pundits who would never dare to express such views about a female candidate whose opinions were more congenial to them. Her teenage daughter’s pregnancy was splattered all over the front pages (garnering three New York Times stories in a single day on September 2). Some bloggers even suggested her youngest child had not issued from her, but from her daughter instead, and that she had participated in a bizarre cover-up. 

I attended a gathering in Washington at which a prominent columnist wondered aloud how Palin could pursue her career when her religious beliefs denied women the right to work outside the home.

Palin became the embodiment of every dark fantasy the Left had ever held about the views of evangelical Christians and women who do not associate themselves with contemporary feminism, and all concern for clarity and truthfulness was left at the door.


  1. That passage really captures it!

  2. Sarah Paslin-Tonya Harding 2012!!!

  3. Oh dear, misspelled the lady´s name!


  4. How could the Republicans not know that this was going to happen to Palin? Did they actually think her child's pregnancy and husband's secessionist ties would be ignored?

    It's their own fault for failing to properly vet her before nomination.

  5. hi david - yeah: i wish they vetted her as well as OBAMA VETTED:

    daschle, and richardson and geithner and so on.

    ya big fat jerk.

  6. Ronnie James,
    That's a pretty funny joke. I actually did laugh. Here's one for you. Can you laugh at this?

    Obama - Farrakhan 2012

  7. PREDICTION 2012:



