Saturday, February 07, 2009


Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama never thought much of private enterprise. As John Derbyshire recently noted:
Our civilization rests on our having enough citizens possessed of the ability to turn a nickel into a dime, and a government that keeps out of the way while they do it. Nobody in Obama’s cabinet has any idea how to turn nickels into dimes, least of all the Wealth-Eater-in-Chief. In his autobiography, Obama described his one brief experience in the world of private enterprise as a sort of endurance test—a purgatory he had to suffer before ascending to the heaven of “community organizing.” He felt, he tells us, “like a spy behind enemy lines.” Those private-sector money-grubbers, trying to squeeze some wealth out of a reluctant world—that’s the enemy in Obama’s universe. A friend would presumably be someone who squeezes wealth out of big, litigation-whipped corporations, guilty white liberals, foundations taken over by leftist ideologues, and of course the ever-milkable taxpayer.
Nobody in Obama's administration has "ever done anything an ordinary citizen would recognize as work." They've never started businesses that created jobs, supervised a business, or taken a calculated business risk. And they despise the people who do.

We have seen that Obama is trying to fill his cabinet with tax-cheaters. And all of the policies they espouse are designed to funnel money grabbed from tax-payers to the tax-eaters: government employee unions, corrupt bureaucracies, unaccountable sinkholes where none of the rules of the free market apply. He is creating a government of tax-cheaters, by tax-beaters, for tax-eaters.

It is a well-trodden road, and that way lies ruin. In broad outline, this is what brought down the Roman Empire: Rome became nothing but a huge yawning hole into which the taxes of the entire Mediterranean world were poured, and from which nothing emerged but filth, decadence, corruption and decay.

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