Wednesday, January 14, 2009

U.S. Military Warns Of Potential Sudden Collapse of Mexico

The United States Military judges that, with regards to stability as a nation, Mexico is about on par with Pakistan.

From the El Paso Times:

EL PASO - Mexico is one of two countries that "bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse," according to a report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command on worldwide security threats.

The command's "Joint Operating Environment (JOE 2008)" report, which contains projections of global threats and potential next wars, puts Pakistan on the same level as Mexico. "In terms of worse-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world, two large and important states bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse: Pakistan and Mexico.

"The Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and press by criminal gangs and drug cartels. How that internal conflict turns out over the next several years will have a major impact on the stability of the Mexican state. Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone."

We can not afford to have such an unstable situation on our borders. If Mexico can not take care of it's people, then the Mexican government must go.

I recommend we annex Mexico, after all, we annexed California, and look how well that has turned out:

(If we had) not stolen California, in this manner, California would, to this day, be - are you ready for this- Mexico.

Roll that one around in your brain for a little while.

All the corruption, all the chaos, all the squandered resources, all that would be the plight of a nebulous California territory, raped for resources by a corrupt Mexican government, and given into the hands of a powerful elite, never to be shared with the citizenry.

Instead, California is the seventh largest economy in the world. It is a center of industry and innovation. Silicon Valley is designing the future of the world's relationship with computers. San Diego is a center for genetics research and bio-engineering. Los Angeles is the center of the inspiration and the dream life for much of the world. The money that Californians spend winds its way around the world's economy, creating jobs for countless people who otherwise would make far less money than they already do.

If Mexico still owned California, none of this would exist.

Few of the amazing accomplishments of California are based upon the lay of the land. Much of California is barren desert. Certainly Mexico has as much, if not more, in the way of natural resources as California. And yet, California is California and Mexicans are risking life and family to flee Mexico and come here to live.

California's success owes much to the fact that it is the end of the United States. Back in the 19th century, the ambitious man was told, "Go West." And, he did. Therefore, the most boldly ambitious men, the blindly tenacious, and the biggest dreamers, all ended up in California, and we are thriving on the DNA of that ancestry to this day.

As my friend Erik Rush says:
... issues surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border have been in the forefront of discussion for many months. The precise number of Mexicans entering the U.S. illegally each year is impossible to accurately determine, but estimates average out to about 1 million. The motivation for the majority of illegal immigrants from Mexico is, as we are all aware by now, primarily economic.

So, I say: Annex Mexico. Handsome bribes to Vicente Fox and his underlings would no doubt bring them around to thinking it an excellent idea. As a contingency, we could probably enlist the cooperation of key players in the Mexican military fairly cheaply. A poll released on Aug. 16, 2005, by the Pew Hispanic Center indicated that more than 40 percent of Mexican adults would move to the United States if they could, so I seriously doubt there would be widespread rioting in the streets of Mexico City when the mutually agreed-upon annexation was announced.

But what about here? Certainly the prospect of all 107 million Mexicans potentially streaming across the border is something no one – particularly alleged conservatives like myself – wishes to contemplate. Even a smaller scale exodus would be horrific. Leaving aside the fact that the smaller scale exodus is already underway, of course, we couldn't allow that any more than we could allow indigent citizens to move en masse into our public parks. The oft-suggested border tightening – probably utilizing the National Guard – would need to be implemented until Mexico's economy developed to the point where the economic incentive for relocation began to diminish.

We would gain complete and immediate legal control over both sides of the border (as well as all ports and points of entry within Mexico, a national security boon). Mexicans who are now coming here illegally would no longer be coming illegally, but safely and to verifiable destinations via public transportation paid for with their own tax dollars. The U.S. businesses that pounced on the market (partly to offset the loss of obscenely cheap labor) would be required to pay a percentage of their earnings to cover renovating the Mexican infrastructure, with a substantial allotment for education. The finer distinctions of this admittedly cyclopean feat would be determined by more knowledgeable sociopolitical and economic minds than mine. If anyone's interested, I do have a short list.

The new government could be structured similarly to that of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. A few more prisons would have to be built – likely most of the new convicts would be police and politicians, since we could not afford to tolerate the kind of corruption currently endemic in Mexico to continue.

The question many will ask (I daresay, violently hurl my way) is that if through such action we shattered all remaining illusions relative to our role as the international big daddy, where would it end? This is imperialism, clearly, and we simply don't do that anymore.

To which I would answer: First, we already are the international big daddy. Let's abandon the intellectual dishonesty once and for all – if there's going to be a biggest dog, it might as well be us. The swift and terrible retribution exacted upon the Abu Ghraib offenders offers clear evidence that we aren't going to tolerate imperial storm troopers within our ranks. America ought to be embracing its supremacy and overall ethical integrity, yet due to the moral perversions of political correctness and international socialism, it faces a fundamental challenge merely acknowledging its right to exist.

Second, I consider the proposed actions more of a moral obligation than anything else. The government of Mexico is doing it wrong – their policies are oppressing their people, stultifying their social and economic growth and negatively impacting the United States. Just last week, the governors of New Mexico and Arizona declared states of emergency, releasing more than $2 million to help their states cope with the flood of illegals, and the financial burden on the state of California inches it closer to insolvency every month.

As far as sovereignty or national identity goes, these have already been proven to be a joke, given the number of Mexicans coming here and those who wish to. Instead of letting their system drag us down, why not use ours to pull them up? A business acquaintance of mine is already working on a Habitat for Humanity-style endeavor to implement in Mexico – I am sure that there are thousands of brilliant men and women in business who, properly motivated and judiciously monitored, could turn the Mexican economy and educational system around in fairly short order. Imagine what 20 years of social and economic development – unconstrained by Third World corruption and institutional criminality – could accomplish!


  1. Eh, no!

    The U.S. can't handle Detroit, it certainly can't handle Mexico.

    Seal the border if a collapse occurs and then manage the situation as it develops. Annexation, however improbable and unrealistic, would make a thoroughly unmanageable situation ours. The Mexican army and police are questionable resources... well maybe the army could play some role, but not the police.

    We're not going to fix a culture that has tolerated corruption since the days of the Spanish conquests. Perhaps it is simply better to let the corrupt and criminal become more emboldened and visible so that they can be more easily eradicated later. However, if the lesson of Iraq has been learned, we now know that no good deed goes unpunished by those being helped or criticized by our own left.

    We've got enough problems.

  2. Mexican dictators have never been too stable, nor willing to share the oil wealth with the people of Mexico.

    Oh yeah, they are elected dictators.

    I guess the sudden stop when the oil prices collapsed caused the problems.

  3. Bruce,
    You're turning down an awful lot of oil, and other valuable natural resources.

    By the way, the reason we can't take care of Detroit. If we actually had the courage of our own expressed convictions, would we not be able to take care of our cities?
