Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Reports that Osama bin Laden has released a recorded statement calling for Holy War in response to the conflict in Gaza clearly proove that Israel is battling on the front line against the efforts of an international conspiracy to reestablish the Caliphate. Hamas, al qaeda, hizbollah, Irans's Achtungijad, the Muslim Brotherhood etc etc etc are not fighting for a Palestinian State which could exist side by side with Israel. They are fighting for the destruction of Israel, the USA, Democracy, and Western Culture as we know it.
Israel made a the difficult decision to take down Hamas knowing that their main ally- the USA - is weakened and will soon be led by an inexperienced leader whose focus will be trained upon domestic issues. Israel made this move knowing full well the propaganda battle for public opinion would be waged full tilt. F-ck Public Opinion - has it ever saved a jew's life? What's proportionality? Trading 300 prisoners for a kidnapped businessman and the bones of 3 soldiers? Gaza is not the most densely populated place on earth!!! But still the death toll, after 20 days of conflict in an area with 1,500,000 people is far from a Holocaust. If the intent of the IDF was to kill people in Gaza then the death toll would be much much higher. Just compare this to the death toll resulting from the conflict Russia had in Chechnya.
May the Lord protect the Righteous and reward the deathcult with their martydom. There will never be peace until Islamofacism is defeated.

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