Sunday, November 09, 2008


I'd heard of this story a while ago, of a convicted terrorist who was going to run for the Sakhnin municipality. Now, it looks like she won't:
( Tagrid Saadi, a convicted terrorist, told the High Court Sunday that she will be dropping out of the municipal race in the northern Arab town of Sakhnin.

Earlier, the court heard a motion by the Movement for the Quality of Government (MQG) to have Saadi struck from the Hadash party's list for municipal elections on grounds of previous terror affiliation.

Saadi, who holds Israeli citizenship, was convicted of aiding an enemy agent and conspiring with terror elements in connection with a 2002 terror attack on Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda marketplace. She had been in touch, through the internet, with the planners of the attack which made use of a female bomber and killed six people. Saadi assisted them in getting the bomber into pre-1967 Israel. [...]

The State Prosecutor's Office told the court that Saadi had filed a false declaration with the Municipal Elections Committee, in which she hid the fact that her record disqualifies her from taking part in the race for city council. A judge hearing the petition said that if this was known at the time the party lists were submitted, the whole list on which Saadi ran could have been disqualified.

The false affidavit was discovered and leaked to the press less than two weeks before the election date. The State said it saw no reason to postpone the elections in Sakhnin, and suggested that the court declare Saadi's bid null and void, thus preventing her from serving on the city council even if elected. It told the court that "postponing the Sakhnin elections would do more harm than the possible election of a woman whose candidacy would be made irrelevant."
This is very lucky that this filthy vermin won't be running in the end. It's a pity however, that the party list she was running on couldn't have been nullified too.

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