Friday, October 31, 2008


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Anyone who knows me or who reads this blog is almost certainly aware that from time to time I can get a little carried away and emotional in my arguments. I have never pretended (as do most of the news networks and newspapers to this day) that I am not coming from a particular point of view. This is an opinion blog, which finds real-world examples to support those opinions.

Soon I am going to be taking a break for a while, because I simply must devote time to other things in my life that are more important, especially if the worst happens, namely:
  • Spending much more time and energy devoted to trying to stay afloat in a country which could be pushed over the economic and even existential cliff by what is arguably the most power-mad, corrupt, partisan group of zealots to ever vie for power in the United States.
  • Focusing on things that are important like my own personal growth and my family.
  • Learn new skills and improve myself to prepare for other life and work choices I may be forced to make when the Socialists take over.
  • (Even if we can stave off the Barbarians at the 'Gates of Vienna' this time...) I simply need some time off to recharge my batteries; fighing upstream against the Goebbels-like MSM and popular culture has taken a toll on my energy level, my appreciation of some of the simple things in my life, and my morale. I simply need to recharge the batteries.
Still, with so much on the line, I feel I must not waver until I have taken my very best shot at saving this place that has been so good to me and my loved ones. This may be the last chance I ever have to:
  • Highlight new information that has come to light in this campaign--most of it very recently--which I really feel is critical. If the media won't report it, someone has to;
  • To revisit and stress a few common themes I have been hitting over and over, points that have already been covered, but which bear repeating in this moment of truth for the very idea of America You could call it a a set of "greatest hits" links which deserve one last look from anyone purporting to truly care about what happens to this place we love;
  • And finally I will try to sum up all of my own feelings and beliefs about this magnificent country we live in, in my own words. Why it is worth fighting for. How we are in danger of losing it all. And (above all) that it is not too late for us to save it.
Since Washington camped across the Delaware River from the British on Christmas Eve, 1776 (or at the very least, since the Civil War that almost destroyed America from within the first time...) the very raison d'etre that the American Revolution even happened has never been in so much danger of being wiped away in a tsunami of hype and outright lies about what this man stands for. In all seriousness--as much of a cliche such language has become--our election next week may be the most momentous in the history of our magnificent American experiment; it certainly is the most important election since I have been alive. So let's get started:

RECENT EVENTS (dark red emphasis mine):

1. The Khalidi Tape - There has been significant buzz in the media about a videotape that the LA Times admits it has in its possession, but is refusing to release. The tape is of Obama attending a farewell dinner for former PLO spokesperson Rashid Khalidi in 2003. Today we get a report (via Doug Ross) of just what is on that tape that the Times (and Obama) does not want to be seen before Tuesday:
You know the videotape that shows Barack Obama toasting PLO terrorist Rashid Khalidi? The one that the Los Angeles Times refuses to release?
"The Los Angeles Times did not publish the videotape because it was provided to us by a confidential source who did so on the condition that we not release it," said the newspaper's editor, Russ Stanton...
How frickin' stupid do they think we are? Someone gave the Times a videotape so it wouldn't be released? And they can't publish a transcript?

I guess that's the kind of executive talent the newspaper business is attracting these days.

However, I received a tip from a person who has provided useful, accurate and unique data from LA before (e.g., "All six of CNN's 'undecided voters' were Democratic operatives"). Take it for what it's worth, but I believe this person is on target.
Saw a clip from the tape. Reason we can't release it is because statements Obama said to rile audience up during toast. He congratulates Khalidi for his work saying "Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine" plus there's been "genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis."
Yep, I guess that would do it.
Update/FAQ on this postIs there really a tape? Yes. The Times has acknowledged that the tape exists.

Why won't the Times release the tape? They've now come up with four reasons over the past few days for suppressing the video. None of the answers make sense. As for their most recent excuse (they promised not to release it) Ed Morrissey asks the critical question.
"'The Los Angeles Times did not publish the videotape because it was provided to us by a confidential source who did so on the condition that we not release it,' said the newspaper’s editor, Russ Stanton. 'The Times keeps its promises to sources.'"

That explanation raises more questions than it answers. If the Times promised to keep the videotape under wraps, then it must contain content other than their “detailed account of the events”. What exactly did the LA Times leave out of its reporting in April? If it left nothing out, then what good was the promise not to release the tape itself?
Do you know who sent the tip? No.

Why believe the tip? While I receive a lot of tips and links, I seldom publish them. This particular email address has provided accurate and unique information in the past, as I noted above. No one else reported the information and I found it to be accurate in the past. As I said, take it for what it's worth.

Why doesn't the Times just publish a transcript? Why indeed.

Update II: Debbie, who apparently broke the original tape story, has a suspected source for the video. Charles Johnson and Gateway Pundit have excellent summaries.
If Obama thinks this is hyperbole or incorrect, all he has to do is call on the LA Times to release the tape. Barack: if you truly have nothing to hide, then why not show us who you are--let us see this thing for ourselves... (but don't hold your breath: there are way too many Jewish voters that Obama is counting on in Pennsylvania and Florida...)

2. Other videos unearthed showing Obama's true colors - (also via Doug Ross):
In the 2001 NPR interview that was unearthed this week, Barack Obama complained that the U.S. Constitution "reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day."

Obama also laments that the Supreme Court under Warren didn't mandate a redistribution of wealth as a component of its civil rights decision.

So not only is the U.S. Constitution egregiously flawed, but a thinly disguised form of reparations (or simply Marxism) is on the agenda.

Charles Johnson adds this tidbit from the same transcript:
The audio recording of Barack Obama espousing his socialist philosophy of “redistribution of wealth” is all over the internet and Fox News today (although the other media outlets are ignoring it), but there’s another disturbing section on that tape that has so far escaped notice.

The link to the audio is here: Chicago Public Radio - Audio Library: Odyssey. At about 15:30, Obama compares what was going on in the United States during the time of Brown vs. the Board of Education to ... Nazi Germany. Yes, really. Here’s the quote:

“...just to take a, sort of a realist perspective...there’s a lot of change going on outside of the Court, um, that, that judges essentially have to take judicial notice of. I mean you’ve got World War II, you’ve got uh, uh, uh, the doctrines of Nazism, that, that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what we have going on, back here at home.”

There you have it. America is close to electing a President that compares his own country to Nazi Germany.
The doctrines of Nazism look uncomfortably similar to life in the United States?

And this man wants us to call him Commander-in-Chief Obama?
3. Massive--and I mean massive--voter fraud in progress - These are numerous and all equally disturbing, but they indicate an unprecedented scale of fraud and corruption, funded by BIG money:
  • The partisan Democrat Secretary of State in Ohio gets a ruling that she does not have to match some 200,000 "questionable" ACORN applications to real people, social security numbers, addresses, or other evidence of citizenship or even State residence. What this means in practical terms? Only this: once the hordes of ACORN voters get done voting in Illinois, all they need do now is to hop on buses, cross the border and vote as Ohio citizens--with no proof required whatsoever. If this wasn't bad enough, it has been coupled with;
  • A Ohio Democrat Federal judge's ruling that voters do not have to provide a street address (presumptively to address the "voting rights" of the homeless). The ruling states that they only need to list a "park bench" as a permanent address. Now let's get real here: how many homeless people do you know who would normally turn out in big numbers to vote in ANY election? But the real treachery here is that Ohio, which went to the Republicans by about 100,000 votes in 2004, appears to have been bought and paid for. The Fix is in...
  • While all this was going on in Ohio, Democrats election officials in Norfolk, Virginia are attempting to throw out thousands of ballots of overseas military voters (you know--the people putting their lives on the line to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution--and Citizens' right to vote...). Fortunately the Virginia Attorney General intervened in this case and overruled the Norfolk Democrat official. But the irony is pretty heavy: if you are laying your life on the line for our country, the Dems want your vote tossed out; but if you are homeless and live in a park bench in Ohio (or Illinois or some other neighboring state...), step right on up...
  • An ACORN Whistleblower has testified in open court in Pennsylvania (under oath, under penalty of perjury) to extensive ties between ACORN the Obama campaign, refuting previous claims by the Obama campaign of no involvement:

The Obama campaign denies it "has any ties" to Acorn, but Mr. Obama's ties are extensive. In 1992 he headed a registration effort for Project Vote, an Acorn partner at the time. He did so well that he was made a top trainer for Acorn's Chicago conferences. In 1995, he represented Acorn in a key case upholding the constitutionality of the new Motor Voter Act -- the first law passed by the Clinton administration -- which created the mandated, nationwide postcard voter registration system that Acorn workers are using to flood election offices with bogus registrations.

Ms. MonCrief testified that in November 2007 Project Vote development director Karyn Gillette told her she had direct contact with the Obama campaign and had obtained their donor lists. Ms. MonCrief also testified she was given a spreadsheet to use in cultivating Obama donors who had maxed out on donations to the candidate, but who could contribute to voter registration efforts. Project Vote calls the allegation "absolutely false."

She says that when she had trouble with what appeared to be duplicate names on the list, Ms. Gillette told her she would talk with the Obama campaign and get a better version. Ms. MonCrief has given me copies of the donor lists she says were obtained from other Democratic campaigns, as well as the 2004 DNC donor lists.

In her testimony, Ms. MonCrief says she was upset by Acorn's "Muscle for Money" program, which she said intimidated businesses Acorn opposed into paying "protection" money in the form of grants. ..."

4. Illegal use of Ohio state resources to "investigate" Joe the Plumber - Ah Ohio under a Democrat state government--kind of makes you miss the good old days in Richard Daley's Chicago: A Democrat state worker who has personally donated $2,500 to the Obama campaign illegally used state computers to dig up confidential information about Joe the Plumber and release it to the media:

Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, disclosed today that computer inquiries on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher were not restricted to a child-support system. The agency also checked Wurzelbacher in its computer systems to determine whether he was receiving welfare assistance or owed unemployment compensation taxes, she wrote.

Jones-Kelley made the revelations in a letter to Ohio Senate President Bill M. Harris, R-Ashland, who demanded answers on why state officials checked out Wurzelbacher.


Wurzelbacher became a household name when Republican presidential hopeful John McCain frequently referred to "Joe the Plumber" during his Oct. 15 debate with Democrat nominee Barack Obama. The checks began the next day.

Wurzelbacher, who has endorsed and campaigned for McCain, had been caught on videotape challenging Obama about his tax proposals during a campaign visit to "Joe's" neighborhood in the Toledo suburb of Holland.

Republicans have painted the checks on Wurzelbacher as a politically motivated bid by Democrats to dig up dirt and discredit the McCain ally. The Obama campaign has said it has no ties to the checks and supports investigations.

The administration of Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland has said the information was not improperly shared and that there were no political motives behind the checks.

The Dispatch has uncovered four uses of state computer systems to access personal information on Wurzelbacher, including the child-support check authorized by Jones-Kelley.

She said on Monday that her department frequently runs checks for any unpaid child support obligations "when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight."

Republican legislators have challenged Jones-Kelley's reason for checking on Wurzelbacher as "frightening" and flimsy.

Jones-Kelly also has denied any connections between the computer checks on Wurzelbacher and her support for Obama. She donated the maximum $2,500 this year to the Obama campaign.

These are but a few of the stories which have come out just in the past week. No wonder the race is tightening.


OK, well let's go through some links that lay out the overall case before I finish my own summation:

Summation Exhibit A: Three links of the BEST. AUDIO. EVER. Mark Levin is a true patriot, and I will say it again: this is the BEST work Mark Levin has ever done, and that is saying one hell of a lot.

The first link is probably as effective an argument against Obama as I have ever heard.

The second link is a thorough, detailed, annotated, history of why our financial troubles have come about, including newspaper articles, sound bytes and above all, the TRUTH. We are not in trouble because of too little government; it is because of too much government. And never has the case been clearer.

The last link contains an example of who Barack Obama really is--his judgment in associating with monsters. But listen beyond the actual Ayers material (as shocking as it is). Listen to the commentary, and think about it very, very carefully. Think about what this association says about Obama's choices; not only Ayers, but the others he has associated with along the way.

These links are to me analagous to "movements" in the Beethoven's 9th Symphony of Talk Radio. Trust me. Listen to all three in their entireity. Ponder them carefully.

Some may find it hard to get past the passion and intensity of the Great Mark Levin as he lays it all out, he speaks with candor and (at times) even anger and sarcasm, because he CARES about this country. These audio broadcasts together are is as powerful and epic an argument--for throwing Obama and the entire Democrat party out on their collectivist asses--that I have ever heard. All together it is quite simply STUNNING.

Summation Exhibit B - Obama's Associations and what it says about his Judgment to be President:

Summation Exhibit C - The video evidence: Why Obama should not be President--in his OWN words. This is very very powerful. Watch it all.


Ladies and Gentlemen of the electoral "jury", we have tried to show you here that the United States of America--and in particular, the Constitution of the United States of America (you know, that document at the National Archives which every President since George Washington--and every American who has ever served in the military since 1865--has sworn to "preserve, protect and defend"...) is now in grave danger. Existential danger.

Many people have either already made the biggest mistake of their lives--or their minds are so closed there is no hope. These are people like friends of mine who won't even read what I send them. Some of this is just obstinacy and contrarianism--but some of it is a symptom of the sickness that pervades our whole country. People don't care enough to find out for themselves, so they buy--hook, line, and sinker--every bit of garbage they are spoon fed by our dying mainstream media. Some of these people who rationalize Obama don't even want to know the truth--like those who elected Hitler in Germany in the 1930's they just want to believe in something, no matter how horrifying that something might turn out to be. And so there may be no hope for people who are closed minded to anything else.

But there are others out there: be you undecided, be you leaning Obama but not quite sure, being upset at Bush and hearing nothing but the incessant media cheerleading. This post is mostly for you. I promise you this: if you will read this entire post, if you will follow every link, listen to every bit of audio, watch every bit of video in this entire argument, I think it would open your eyes.
Sometimes "ignorance is bliss" but in this case ignorance can be deadly. So I hope you will give this concerned citizen a bit of your time, because the choice you are about to make could not be more crucial to your future.

Fellow voters, let me begin with this: I would LOVE nothing more to see a qualified, intelligent African-American as our President. I would like to see a Mexican-American as President, a Jewish-American, an Asian-American, whatever. I am not a racist, misogynist, nor a homophope. There are only a few criteria that really matter for me in a leader: Character. Experience. Leadership. Courage. Honesty. And above all, a belief that we have been fortunate enough to be a part of the greatest experiment in human history--and that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are worth defending Someone who knows that along will allowing the individual to strive for excellence (and the government to get out of the way)--is what has LED to excellence, and to our being the greatest, kindest, most prosperous nation on Earth.

I could frankly give a damn about all the PC, which-protected-or-even-historically "oppressed"-group-are-you-a-member-of crap. I could care less whether you are wealthy or not. Lincoln was a poor man, and one of our greatest Presidents. For me, the only thing that will continue to guarantee the greatness of this country and to raise the standard of living of all its citizens is to continue to care enough about substance over form--about the ideas that made this country exceptional. Cheap platitudes are for tyrants to use on fools.

History has shown that all of the great cultures and empires of the past have come and gone. Very few were destroyed from without--almost all were destroyed from complacency within. So I don't want to hear all this "racist" stuff: I could elect a man like Michael Steele or Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell to the Presidency without blinking an eye. I would work for them tomorrow.

To paraphrase Carville it isn't racism, "it's the ideology, Stupid."

To keep our country from being destroyed from the corruption and internal forces which threaten her, we need leaders who fully understand that greatness and wealth and power did not just drop into our collective laps as an accident of history. America is the greatest, most prosperous country, most egalitarian, most moral country that has EVER EXISTED because of the vision of the founders. These men: Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Adams, Jay, Adam Smith--all were products of the Great Enlightenment. There has never, ever been a document as magnificent drawn up to govern people as our Constitution, and has never been a government as successful as that one created by the founders in 1787. The fact that these men came up with these grand ideas over 200 years ago is still mind-boggling to me. Because many have tried, but no one has since come up with anything that works better than freedom and individual initiative.

The danger is that we now have a man running for office, and an angry Hard-Left power base in this country that wants to throw ALL of that out--the baby out with the bathwater; they are systematically working to destroy bit by bit the greatest experiment in human history. And for what??? Mindless, empty, class-warfare rhetoric that has been used over and over again throughout the 20th century to seize power, to persecute and kill dissent and dissenters. This is a philosophy that has murdered over 100 million people in the name of "equality." It is an economic philosophy that has never led to prosperity anywhere it has been tried; in fact it has universally led to economic ruin. It is a failed philosophy, parroted by slick, identity-politics mouthpieces. How can the American people be so stupid as not to see this. The Democrats are not even pretending anymore: they want nothing less than complete control over your entire existence. They want to take your individuality away, destroy your freedoms, and to make you a ward of the State. They hate the Constitution and the Liberty it provides for. This is the reality

So you really think Obama would defend the Constitution? Just listen to Obama's own words: "the Constitution represents a Fundamental Flaw..."

He is telling you what he thinks of our country's social contract with its Government. He is telling you that his real intent is to do anything but "preserve, protect and defend" that document. His grand idea: you will no longer own the government--the government will own you.

Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jay -- these men are rolling over in their graves.

THIS is what Obama wants to throw away. Read the whole thing, one more time--that is what you are throwing away if you allow the Democrats to steal this thing. (And while you are reading Whittle, you might as well read this too...)

A week or so ago I put it this way, and I don't think I can really put it any more clearly:
If the seditious news media actually cared more about its role in ensuring the proper function of American democracy; if the media had not so disastrously dropped the ball; if it had provided to the electorate all the information it needed, rather than to decide that IT (not the American people) should influence and determine the results of elections--well then, even a telegenic and "cool" character like Obama would not stand a snowball's chance in hell, given his predisposition to lie on demand.

In my view, Barack Obama is a greater danger to America and to what made us great--to what made us the most wealthy, generous, self-sacrificing and egalitarian society in human history; to the Constitution that men died for that gave us the freedoms we take for granted; to the jobs we take for granted; to the LIFE we take for granted--than Al Qaeda ever will be. If we elect this man, I am convinced that history will bear me out on this.

But here is the good news: It is not too late to prevent an unimaginable catastrophe, not only for Americans, but for the hopes of freedom, the poor, and the oppressed throughout the world.

Here is my plea--If you are even thinking about voting for Obama, first do just this:

Read the whole thing, watch every video. Then go read this and this again. ... And then sit there and try and tell me with a straight face why anyone who is not insane should cast a vote for this man.

And yes: I am saying exactly what I think and exactly how I feel about this man and how dangerous a Democrat sweep would be to everything we care about. Because if I don't say it now, I may very well lose the right to even speak up at all after the election.

I truly do not believe this to be hyperbole or an exaggeration; you need only look at the lengths Obama's campaign and his willing sycophants in Big Media have gone to in order to smear and destroy the lives of decent average Americans like Joe the Plumber to get a clear and disturbing premonition of at what Obama and the hard-Lefites in Congress might try actually try to do about any dissent with the full powers of the Presidency and Congress behind them. Hell, I think Stalin probably took criticism better than this guy does.

The thought of this man as Commander and Chief is more horrifying to me than was watching those planes hit the WTC. We are under attack. Only it is the worst kind of attack, it is like HIV: a hidden, virulent, insidious betrayal of our core principles from within. The previously healthy "white blood cells" of our society have been tricked by a corrupt, decrepit, monstrous philosophy--disguised as an easy way out for the terminally lazy.

We might as well be living Christmas Eve, 1776. And like Washington's Army, camped across the Delaware River in the cold and fog, about to embark on a raid that would change history--we still have a glimmer of hope today. But mere hope is not enough. It is time to ACT.

No matter how hard it is to do, no matter how it may turn your stomach, go cast your vote TODAY for John McCain, Sarah Palin, and every Republican Senator, Congressman, Judge, and City Council member on your ballot. It is time for those who love this country to again cross the Delaware. Otherwise the very idea of preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution the United States of America could all be gone, poof, just like that. And the sequence of events that initiated the downfall of this magnificent country will have reached critical mass on YOUR watch. The shame will not be mine--it will be YOURS, and it will be triggered by the blind "obedience" to the suggestions of the self-important, corrupted media you so foolishly followed off the cliff like sheep.

If you vote for Barack Obama; if you actually took the trouble read and view and listen and watch all this information I have laid out here; if you followed all the links and watched all the videos and yet can still somehow in your twisted mind justify voting for this man, then you will have to live for the rest of your life with the consequences of your choice. If you have any conscience at all, if there is such a thing as Justice or Karma: the decision to help this man to steal our country out from under us will haunt you for the rest of your natural lives. And it will be punishment well deserved.

It doesn't have to be this way. Please don't kill our country. There is still time.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the "jury", in this "case" I bring before you today this humble Defense of the Greatest Country that has ever existed, rests.

Our fate is now in your hands. The fate of our Constitution, the determination of whether the US becomes a Socialist economy, and possibly even your lives are at stake. If you do not want to see an American city go up in a mushroom cloud, then do not elect a man who will not raise a finger to defend her. Do not elect a man who will cut the military by a reported 25%. Even his own Vice Presidential pick could not help himself:

If you want to be able to retire and not be destitute, do not elect a man who will let the Government take over your 401K, and to ruin it as they did Social Security and Medicare. Do not elect a man who promises to "cover" every American with insurance--and who in so doing would not only bankrupt this country, but would destroy the finest medical system on Earth and would ensure that every American would have to wait months to get medical care. Do not elect a President who helped cause the very housing loan problem that has brought our economy to its knees.

Do not put a Marxist into the White House. It is not too late... but if you do not act soon, it may be.

Our lives, our great country, the blood shed by our forefathers, and the fate our sacred Constitution are now in your hands. Right now, as of today we still own this country. But that could all change depending on what you do right now. Don't allow the polls and the media mouthpieces--who are simultaneously conducting those polls as they cheerlead for the Socialists--to dictate your actions. This is your country. Keep in mind the polls were dead wrong in both 2000 AND 2004.

So do not allow complacency to enable Obama and his media surrogates to steal our country from under our noses. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, use your vote wisely. Our very civilization may depend on how many of you exercise that responsibility. Vote. And make sure everyone you know has voted too. This may be our last chance to save the American dream.

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