Saturday, September 06, 2008


American Digest suggests that Obama might force Joe Biden off the ticket, and replace him with Hillary Clinton.
If the Palin factor continues to crush Obama's hopes, ("I can't believe I'm losing to this idiot/woman!") how long will it be before we see the Big-O forced into an "Eagleton" in order to bump Biden off the ticket, and call Hillary in from the sidelines? Not that it would happen, mind you. Just spitballin' here. Just into the What-If alternate universe, ya know.
Coming out of the gate, and Obama-Clinton ticket would have been formidable. But Senator Obama would never take the chance of being upstaged by two Clintons. The coverage they sucked up during the convention shows how they would completely overshadow the ostensible President. So I too think this move is very unlikely.

Would it work? Maybe. But at this point, it might also simply re-enforce Governor Palin's popularity and grass-roots appeal. Hillary might be willing to take that risk. After all, she has a better chance of beating Governor Palin before she serves as Vice President, than in 2012. But I don't think Obama will risk making his campaign look desperate and panicked.

UPDATE: And don't forget the impact of validating Mayor Rudy Giuliani's barb:
I hope for his sake, Joe Biden got that VP thing in writing.

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