Saturday, September 06, 2008


Susan Reimer is a columnist at the Baltimore Sun. She wrote a nasty column attacking Senator McCain and Governor Palin:
On Monday, I wrote a column criticizing the McCain campaign for what I saw as a cynical attempt to gather in unhappy women voters by naming Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin his vice presidential candidate and for exploiting the poignant story of her youngest child to appease the Republican Party's pro-life base.
More than 8,200 comments were posted to the column on The Baltimore Sun's Web site. I received more than 700 personal e-mails and about 50 phone calls.
That was something new for her.
A handful of people wrote to say that I had captured exactly their reaction to the Palin nomination. But the rest of the responses were vehement or venomous.

And more than 316,000 people viewed the column on The Baltimore Sun Web site. That number - more than 100 times the attention I normally receive - actually frightened me.
It will be a long, hard fight. But the dominance of the neo-marxist, post-modern, multiculturalist, cultural-relativist journalism-school drive-by media may be ending. And not an election too soon!

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