Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sitemeter problem over

Some readers who kept getting crashing pages yesterday may be interested to know that the culprit was Sitemeter. Here is the Sitemeter apology. It's only barely an apology.

Some people are excusing them by saying that it is Microsoft's fault for having a limitation in IE but it was a known limitation and putting up new code without testing it was thoroughly negligent.

And why did Sitemeter take about 24 hours to fix it? They could have reloaded the older version of their code within minutes! I doubt that I will use sitemeter again. It put people to a lot of trouble trying to fix the error. Some bloggers changed their templates (as I did) and some readers reinstalled their browser. A big waste of everybody's time. apologizes too. Apparently the rash of blocked blogspot blogs was a data processing error too. First and then sitemeter. Why can't these galoots check their code before they thrust it upon their unwitting users?

Posted by John Ray.

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