Sunday, August 03, 2008

Menthol is racist

Betcha didn't know that! Apparently there is a bill before Congress to regulate what goes into cigarettes:
"Because the bill would ban the use of all other flavoring additives (like cloves and peppermint) but permit the use of menthol, and since menthol is overwhelming used by African American smokers -- including Black children -- it has already been damned for being racially insensitive if not outright racist by the Congressional Black Caucus, African American former HHH Secretary Louis W. Sullivan and most other former HHS Secretaries, the National African American Tobacco Prevention Network, and ASH, America's first antismoking organization.


Did you follow that? I am not sure I did but the idea seems to be that menthol encourages black kids to smoke and smoking is bad for you so allowing menthol in cigarettes is racist. When your argument is flimsy, the race card is always a great help. The article also claims that cigarettes are dangerously radioactive.

The article is by by Banzhaf, a lawyer notorious for far-out lawsuits about "threats" to health emanating from everyday products. I gather that his activities have made him a rich man.

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH


  1. I know plenty of white people who smoke menthol cigarettes. What would Banzhaf make of that?

  2. you're a dumbass. he didn't say menthol makes kids want to smoke. the point is that menthol cigarettes' advertising campaigns target african americans (AND they are REALLY bad for you--worse than cloves or peppermint for sure). So to only protect the cigarette that alot of people in the black community smoke, to make it legal only to make this type--means a rise in African Americans having cancer. How the hell is that confusing?? idiot. this is just like when white folk deliberately spread AIDS in Africa..
