Sunday, August 17, 2008


Pastor Rick Warren provided plenty of opportunities for Senator Barack [middle name redacted] Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, to hem and haw and evade stating his positions on the issues. His attempt to obfuscate his votes in favor of infanticide was particularly striking.

But the real question that nobody in the broadcast media has the courage to ask is this:

What has Barry ever accomplished?

As a community organizer, the only project he could possibly take any credit for is a filthy, decaying slum.

As the politically-elected editor of the Harvard Law Review, he did not write a single article.

As a University of Chicago law professor, he did not author a single scholarly article.

He refuses to make public the details of the legal work for which he billed at the law firm that represented Tony Rezko.

As an Illinois State Senator, all he did was vote "present," and the bills he claims to have passed were given to him by Chicago political fixer Emil Jones.

As a freshman United States Senator, he never even convened a meeting of the Subcommittee he was assigned to Chair.

Obama does not have a single worthwhile accomplishment to put on his resume.

The dutiful son of anti-American leftists, registered as a Muslim by his Indonesian stepfather, the protege of communists and terrorists, the crony of crooks and jihadists, he is unfit for the office of Senator.

He doesn't even rise to the level of being unfit for the Presidency.

The nomination of such an unqualified, undistinguished candidate by the Democrat Party would be an insult to all Americans.

And it is even more insulting that he portrays himself as an "African-American" candidate, since he does not have one gene inherited from a former American slave, and was raised by his white mother and white grandparents outside of an African-American milieu.


  1. Thanks for your comment. I don't think I forgot any of his accomplishments, did I? Are there any other segments of his career to examine?

  2. um..... his persistent drug use (not "experimentation")?

    his proven ability to lie with a straight face?

    his facility for breaking his word?
