Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is all you need to see, to understand the difference between an inexperienced, pettifogging phony whose anti-American prejudices sneak out of every utterance, on the one hand, and on the other hand, an experienced, straight-talking leader:

And note the reaction of the congregation.

(Hat tip: Gateway.)


  1. of course obama knows evil exists: he saw it every time he went to church for twenty years, every time he looked at his wife or in the mirror!

  2. Basically what you've got here is a guy with a mellifluous voice who has spent his life being mentored by self-hating Americans, communists, the rump of the Weather Underground, and black-liberation-theology racists. Although he is obviously stupid, the thoughts that continually bubble up in his mind are always blame-America, disparage the "typical white person," and use the power of government to take from the producers on behalf of bureaucrats and the perpetual underclass they nurture.

  3. left-wing CONMAN extraordinaire!
