Sunday, August 03, 2008



August 03, 2008

ANOTHER TERRI SCHIAVO AFFAIR IN THE MAKING? I don't know how this will develop, but my observation at the time that the Terri Schiavo affair marked the high-water point for GOP power, and the beginning of its decline, seems to have been borne out by subsequent events.

posted at 05:09 PM
With all due respect, Glenn's read on this is STILL all wrong.

Both houses of Congress voted overwhelmingly to stop/slow down the Florida courts'/Schiavo's ex-husband and give Terri's family an opportunity for more judicial review, (
203 to 58 in the House and by UNANIMOUS CONSENT on the Senate).

This is not surprising, after all... WHAT WAS THE RUSH!?!? An overwhelming number of both Democrats and Republicans felt the Schindler's deserved another chance to save Terri from CERTAIN DEATH.

So it was not a partisan effort. It was BIPARTISAN.

It is wrong for Glenn to uncharacteristically regurgitate Democrat spin on this.

BTW: you can be arrested for animal cruelty for doing to a squirrel what the state of Florida did to Terri.

The new case Glenn links to is interesting.

I am especially disturbed by the fact that expense has again become an issue.


If Obama is elected (GOD FORBID!) and if he and Pelosi and Reid
socialize/nationalize healthcare in the USA, then the state will be on the hook for all medical expenses and they may well pull everyone's plug ASAP!

After all, when they pull the plug they reap a DOUBLE SAVINGS: they save the medical expense and the social security payout.

This alone is reason NOT to nationalize healthcare and to privatize pensions.

IMHO: The GOP popularity tracks more exactly to - and is causally more tied to - the reporting on the Iraq War.

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