Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It irks me that Barak sojourned to Berlin to somehow be annointed as the heir to JFK. Let us remember that JFK uttered his famous words "Ich bin ein Berliner" on June 26 1963. This was after the Cuban Missile Crisis, October , 1962. In the Cuban Missile Crisis JFK played the biggest poker hand in the history of mankind - and won. His trip to Berlin the following summer never would have happened had the outcome been different.

No major political party has ever nominated a candidate for President of the United States with the lack of qualifications and experience as the Democratz in 2008.

Barak Obama has no achievements to his credit. NONE. Democratic success in positioning Barak as the next JFK rests upon the ignorance of a majority of the "audience". I console myself with the fact that only 5% to 10% of the population suffers from ADHD and 10%-20% are illiterate. That means 1/4th of the electorate will be swayed by slogans and sound bites...
Hopefully as media attention glares upon Obama and Biden they will wilt...


  1. JFK did not win. He blinked. Jupiter missiles out of Turkey. Victory USSR. The Russians pushed again, this time in Vietnam. The real reason we were there is that JFK thought he had to stop the USSR. The much maligned "Domino Theory" was his.

  2. Roy,

    I do not claim that JFK won - but the fact is the Russkies pulled their missiles out of Cuba. Blinked? He gave up some old missiles in Turkey to help Kruschev save face - that's called diplomacy. My point is that JFK went to Berlin after serving 30 months as President of the United States as a proven leader- in contrast to Obama - who shold be hosting Good Morning America...

    The Domino theory was first coined by Eisehower in 1954.

    Vietnam was a proxy battle with the Chinese - not the russkies.

  3. After rereading my post I can see I did say JFK won!!! - and I'll stand by that!!!

  4. Dear Northern Seer,

    I would like to refer you to a couple of articles, amongst hundreds, that I think fairly summarize Vienna.



    You could spend weeks reading all the material out there. That time was of personal interest to me so I have been casually studying it for 40 years.

    As to Vietnam being a Chinese proxy - It was Soviet aircraft, radar, missiles, advisers and logistical support that sustained North Vietnam.

    The "old" missiles...

    Nuclear war planning is an extremely complicated affair. There's quite a bit of literature out there to explore. The essence is not MAD but rather to limit the damage. This means a phased attack that destroys the enemy capability or breaks his will.

    The Jupiter and Thor missiles were a vital link in both deterring the Soviets and quickly destroying their war fighting capability. They were within ten minutes of a number of important strategic targets. Targets that were the command and control centers of the Soviet nuclear capability. They also threatened a large part of their strategic bomber force. In essence, we could destroy their bombers on the ground. The removal of those missiles made us much more vulnerable.

