Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another example of Leftist "projection"

I have received an email [SocRes@newschool.edu] from New York's neo-Marxist "New School" which in part reads as follows:
"I am writing to announce an upcoming Social Research conference, which I think you and some of your colleagues and readers may be interested in attending. This conference, Free Inquiry at Risk: Universities in Dangerous Times will be held at The New School in New York City on October 29, 30, and 31, 2008 and will be the 18th conference in the Social Research series dedicated to enhancing public understanding in an engaging, multi-disciplinary discussion.

Over three days, the conference speakers will explore how the trends and challenges that face universities in the US and abroad today may affect the core values of academic freedom and free inquiry. These current trends include rapid globalization, changes in the geo-political arena, modes of financing, the extension of higher education franchises, the rise of collateral institutes and research centers, the relationship between specialization and integration, regime change, and other conditions of duress."

No mention of threats to free enquiry coming from the Fascist New School itself -- where "hundreds of students, staff and faculty members" have done their best to prevent even a moderate conservative from being heard. And nor does there appear to be any mention of the pervasive speech codes in American universities that effectively stifle any criticism of homosexuality, Islam etc.

And how would I go if I offered to give a talk at the New School on the topic: "Psychopathy as an explanation for the high rate of black crime"? I have had articles published in the academic journals on both psychopathy and black crime so I would be reasonably qualified to discuss that topic. My qualifications on that topic would at the very least be greater than Al Gore's qualifications in climatology. But I think I would be taking my life in my hands if I endeavoured to discuss that topic in front of the brownshirts of the New School.

I am an atheist but I think that the best advice for the New School is to be found in Matthew 7:3-5.

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH

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