Tuesday, June 03, 2008


McCain is the true post-partisan centrist in the race, the true reformer.

I don't like all of his centrist positions or his reforms because I'm a conservative, but I accept that he has earned the right to honestly be called a centrist and a reformer.

Obama and Hillary have reformed BUPKUS and are both WAY TO THE LEFT of most Americans. The policies they stand for are the failed policies of the left, policies which have failed everywhere and every times they have ever been implemented.

If these policies worked, then the USSR would still be around and France would have President Segolene, Germany Chancellor Schroeder, Italy PM Prodi - and NEW Labour/Tony Blair/Gordon Brown would've never been elected.

The left is still promoting policies of the PAST and hence they really are all about RETREAT.

Just as the policies they advocate for Iraq and in the GWOT are all about RETREAT.

But McCain doesn't know the meaning of the word retreat.

Not as a POW.

Not as candidate counted out just a few months ago.

Not when Iraq started to go badly in 2005 and was in need of new tactics.

Not anyhow, anywhere.

McCain reformed, never retreated.


1 comment:

  1. Slogan be damned, somebody needs to give the old guy a pep pill. Bad speech deliver badly. That just isn't going to inspire anyone.
