Tuesday, June 03, 2008


There's been a lot of talk since before the beginning of this campaign about what a great public speaker Barack [middle name redacted] Obama is.

And now, over at the Corner, they're complaining about John McCain's delivery. The usually insightful Kathleen Parker writes, comparing Senator McCain to President Bush:
It became my habit when President Bush was speaking to hit the "Mute" button so as not to screw up the speech. I don't enjoy admitting this. It's just that when I read the hard copy — or had Tony Blair read it to me over the phone — it was brilliant. Not so much when listening in real time.
Kathleen, don't forget: George W. Bush won the election for President. Twice. And in 2004, he received more votes for President than any other candidate in the Nation's history.

Media personalities are overwhelmingly interested in words and public utterances. That's their business.

But when it comes right down to it, and never more so than in a time of war, the American voters don't want a preacher, or a cheerleader, or a speechifier in the White House.

They want a President.

It'll be McCain in 2008, and it won't be close.

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