Monday, June 02, 2008


Barrack [middle name redacted] Obama's red-diaper handler, David Axelrod, pretends that Obama always said that "The Surge" would make a military difference. Which is a lie. As this video shows, Obama always thought "The Surge" would fail (hat tip, PowerLine):

Obama's money quote from January 2007:
We cannot impose a military solution on what has effectively become a civil war.
That's what the Democrat defeatists have been saying for years.

And it is the same defeatist, treasonous line they promoted during the American Civil War when they ran George McClellan for President in 1864.

No military solution to a civil war? Tell that to the manes of Ulysses Grant, Tecumseh Sherman, George Thomas, and Abraham Lincoln.

It's important to see Obama's discouraging pessimism for what it was: treason. And it is remarkable to observe David Axelrod hemming and hawing, stammering his way around a lying denial of what Obama said again and again.

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